Buck Gardner's Scrapbook Blog

Welcome to the Buck Gardner Scrapbook Blog. This area is where we post stories from our customers
about their fowl hunting experiences and use of Buck Gardner Calls. Email me with your stories and photos!

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Dear Buck,
You are so welcome. I'm one of those people that does more complimenting then complaining to companies. When I see that a product works and performs the way it was intended, and sometimes even better.....I acknowledge that company, and yours is one such company Buck.

I've heard more good than ( bad ) and I would use "bad" very lighty. Let me put it this way. I'm a member of numerous hunting forums and 99.9% of the people have nothing but great things to say about you....yes ......"YOU". The way you conduct yourself in the precence of kids and adults, but most importantly the kids
From what I read and seen on vidoes.....I can tell you they are right.

As much as everyone that works for you Buck, and as great as they are in helping with the success of your company, you seem to be the driving force that everone sees, but I'm sure you are a person that gives them great credit and praise. I'm also sure you let the people know this as well. It takes a great team to make, such things as a great business succeed.
Now jumping on to your family and God. Family is right up there with our spiritual beliefs. We can have all the money we want, but without family, God and our health...it's all in vain and meaniless.
I was just thinking as I wrote that last sentence, that in the video
Take'em 3 I believe, you had this cool saying. I quote " I Like It...I Love It.....I Want SomeMore Of It".....my fiance says this saying more than I and that's where she picked it up was watching you with Barnie Calef on his boat. I must admit, I thought that was pretty cool and very funny as well. That huge grin you had on your face was priceless......hahahaha. To hear her quote you, brings a heart warming smile to my face. You have that gift to make people smile and remember you in small ways you don't realize. Thank You.

Will you be coming out with Fowl Play IV??....and will old bro be in it,or will he be replaced by a young more vigorous pup, not to say bro isn't.
Well, I guess I took up enough of your time again, but I duely hope you, your family, and business, continue to have great success and health.
God Bless and Take Care,

Rob Dickson