Buck Gardner's Scrapbook Blog

Welcome to the Buck Gardner Scrapbook Blog. This area is where we post stories from our customers
about their fowl hunting experiences and use of Buck Gardner Calls. Email me with your stories and photos!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Thanks for the assistance this AM when we chatted. I look forward to receiving the call.
I’m having more and more of a difficult time finding quality acrylic calls that operate as well in the field CONSISTENTLY as they do when you give ‘em a brief workout at home. I have several that sound and operate great there only to have them STICK out in the field. NOT GOOD! Fortunately I always carry a couple with me so I’m not caught with my pants down at that crucial moment when birds are working. Catch my drift?

Anyhow I thought you should here that. This Double Nasty call will compliment the Tall Timber one I have already.

Thanks for quality calls.

Dave Brower
Zeeland, MI