Buck Gardner's Scrapbook Blog

Welcome to the Buck Gardner Scrapbook Blog. This area is where we post stories from our customers
about their fowl hunting experiences and use of Buck Gardner Calls. Email me with your stories and photos!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks. Last duck season a friend of mine talked me into going duck hunting for the first time. I had never hunted ducks before, though it makes sense to, I hunt everything else. I didn't know anything about it though, someone offering to show me the ropes sure helped cut the confusion. He covered the basics and we were off. It wasn’t bad, but not what I was expecting. I didn’t see the results I thought we would.
I started asking around for tips, and going more often thinking it had to be better than this. Tip one was decoys, ok no sweat, a few of several different types of ducks and we are off. Next tip was a call, this really presented a problem, I know not all calls are created equal. I knew nothing of calling ducks, I can call elk, moose, deer, coyote, and Turkeys with no trouble what so ever, but ducks, I didn’t even know what they sounded like. I bought your Straight Talk cd and it came with Mallard Magic call and your 6n1. That and a few hours of practice the decoys and I was getting to at least getting them in close enough to tell a Mallard from a teal.
This year's season opened here the other day. I had picked up your Double Nasty II call in the spring and I have had all summer to play with it. My first hunt this year and I had ducks in the boat. Literally turning ducks around and bringing them straight to my decoys. I still have a lot of trouble with the feeding sounds but the other calls on your cd work extremely well for me.
My buddy that got me into duck hunting used that laughing method to call, I thought he could use some help so I got him a cd of his own. He and I are working different shifts, with different days off, but we will hunt together every chance we get, and I would bet we will have much better luck.

Thank you
Pete W.