My First Buck by Bradd Finch

I was drawn earlier in the year for a deer hunt at Tennessee's ReelfootLake, Grassy Island National Wildlife Refuge. I was veryexcited because it is hard to get drawn and it was the first time I ever put in for the drawing.
I entered the woods on 11/11/06 at approx. 1pm. I had scouted the area pretty well and I went to a spot where there were lots of trails, and in particular, 2 big rubs. I climbed up the tree and I waited. Around 4:30 pm I saw a doe, she came swimming across a flooded creek bed right in front of me. I had never seen a deer swim before, so that was a great sight. I thought of taking her, but I thought better of it and let her walk. About 45 minutes later it was gettin almost time to call it a day, I thought I saw a deer in the distance, so I grabbed my Buck Gardner rattle bag and young buck grunt. I must have said the magic words in deer language because he came charging in at 30 yards and stopped at the creek in front of me. I knew he was a buck, because I could see a silhouett of his antlers. I shouldered my Model 70 300 win. mag. and put the perfect shot on him. He dropped in his tracks. When I climbed down, it was totally dark and my flashlight was going dead. I shined my weak light over there and I dropped my head. I thought I had shot a doe. I went back to my tree to get some new batteries and went back to see the deer again. this time I saw 4 points sticking up on on side. I immediately waded the waters and was surprised to see the buck of a lifetime for me. It was a huge 10 point with a 19 1/4" inside spread. It was my first buck ever! My buddies told me it's all downhill from there. They said jokingly, get ready to be dissappointed at the next buck you see, because you just cant ask for much better than that on public land in Tennessee. I took many pictures of him the next day and then I lost my camera, luckily my sister-in-law had taken this pic with her camera. What really bothered me most about losing my camera wasn't that I lost my pictures of the deer, but I lost pictures of my 3 year old daughter posing with the deer. But overall, the story has a happy ending for me.
Bradd Finch
Troy, TN
Date of Harvest : 11/11/06
Obion County, TN
Reelfoot Lake Grassy Island NWR
Deer weight: 217lbs
Points: 10
Weopon: 300 win mag Winchester Model 70 w/ accubond ct cartridge
Inside Spread: 19 1/4"
Game calls: Buck Gardner Rattle bag and Grunt call
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