Hi to whom ever may read this- I'm 15 and I met Buck Gardner at the canadian border late sept 24. I must say of all the profesional waterfowlers he's the nicest of all of them i've met. I started my year off hunting by the oakhammock refuge me and my dad shot 30 ducks, and 18 geese in 2 1/2 days i was the only one calling and the longest it took us to limit on geese is 55 minitues and we only shot greaters, i was using the canadian hammer 2, and the buckshot magnum. I hunted all 60 days of the minnesota duck season and recently returned from oklahoma where i went with 3 others who haven't hunted ducks since they were kids i called in limits every day and in 4 days in Oklahoma we shot 96 ducks and 5 geese. With those calls i personally killed 161 birds this year and around half were in minnesota where ducks are supposed to be impossible to kill.I've had to learn by myself how to hunt waterfowl since my dad had never seriously hunted waterfowl and no one in my family has and my dad only hunted with me the days i was in canada because he's got his family meat market to run. Your calls have made teaching myself to hunt waterfowl it alot easier and now i'm very confident about my calling and your calls so thank you. I espically loved Fowl play 2, i've got around 25 duck hunting videos and it's my favorite, my favorite hunt is the goose shoot where buck spots the polar bear. I found the fowl play videos the most helpful learning hunting techniques.
Ben Knaus
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