Dear Mr. Gardner,
Thank you so much for the autographed pictures, stickers and duck calls for our senior baseball players. These boys have played really hard this year, finishing in the regular season with the best record in our district. This past week, we have been playing in the district tournament and finished third tonight. I chose tonight to give the seniors (they graduated last night) each a packet of the stuff that you sent.
The history of these boys is that they have played baseball together since they were little and played at Liberty High School for four years together and not only that, they all duck hunt and have some of your duck calls. When I mentioned this to Jason, I had hopes that you would send them something special because I believed that it would bring a smile to all of their faces (win or lose). I was right!!
Walking off the field, I asked the seniors to please stick around; that I had something for them. I told them that my husband had a friend who was a really good man and I had somthing special from him that I wanted to give them. In this picture you cannot tell that they had played their last high school ball game... they had just received something so special from a man they all know and admire. They gladly lined up at the fence, wrapped their arms around their friends, and gave me a smile... I didn't have to say cheese... they were so excited, smiles just came naturally!
You made their night! From the bottom of my heart, I truly thank you (and your staff). You will never know what this meant to me and what this meant to these five wonderful boys with such a great future ahead of them. They are very close and have wonderful parents and they are so full of talent. These boys all make good grades and work hard for what they have in life and I would have never asked for something like this from you if I didn't know that they deserved it and that they would appreciate it. I is rare that I could give them all the same gift and that would be because every single one enjoys duck hunting!! I can bet that the buper stickers are already on their vehicles and that they are still talking about their picture from you. One senior said " You couldn't have picked a group of boys that will appreciate this as much as we do."
It takes on special man to take time out of his busy schedule and actually do a favor so quickly. It worked out just perfectly. I will never forget what you did to make such a special moment happen; one that we all can treasure for the rest of our lives. I knew by listening to Jason that you were a wonderful man but now I have actually seen it for myself.
You being who you are and giving to people makes life so special. I could never repay you for this night! Thanks for making our seniors smile and thank you for being such a good man. My mother always told me that a good reputation meant so much in God's eyes and you definitely have one. You should be proud of your name and your accomplishments in life and I know that you are. I hope that one day, when life is not so busy, that I can meet this special man who cares so much for people.
I'm sorry for the long-winded email (I like to talk) but words cannot express my thanks, only the picture can show you just what you made happen! I was so glad to see their smiles!
God bless you, Buck Gardner! You are definitely a Champion of Champions!
Kim Patterson (Jason's wife)