Buck Gardner's Scrapbook Blog

Welcome to the Buck Gardner Scrapbook Blog. This area is where we post stories from our customers
about their fowl hunting experiences and use of Buck Gardner Calls. Email me with your stories and photos!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Glad to help...

January 13, 2007

United States Paragould, Arkansas

4 Mallards

Double Nasty II

12 Gauge Mossberg 500 Model

Dear Mr. Buck,
I have only been hunting for a few years now. I started duck hunting in the winter of 2006 and ever since than i have loved it. Im not a very good duck caller but with the help of your double nasty II, it brought in four ducks for me, my fiance (Briana Moore), and my uncle (Joe Godwin). It was Briana's first duck hunt ever and she enjoyed it alot. I would just like to thank you and your staff for having such a wonderful effect on our duck hunting trips. Thanks so much,

Brian Key